Thursday, June 13, 2013

How To Hire a House Maid

Living in a city may be a little harsh for some people. A need for a house help is in need sometimes. But hiring a house maid is not that easy. Trust is a big word to carry on everyday as you leave your house to a stranger. To make it easy for you I listed here the traits of a maid that are necessary in hiring one.

  1. Secure his Identification. - An applicant must show a completely signed BIO-DATA and Police Clearance/ NBI Clearance. Know this person's references. If this person was referred by a Manpower service provider then get the necessary infos of your potential maid such as the complete name, address, and any identification.
  2. Medical Examination. - It may sound too strict or over reacting, but it is also necessary. You can never tell if this person might get you a disease or illness that is contagious. Better be safe than sorry, so go ask for it. ;)
  3. Service Oriented. - You must tell the maid EXACTLY what services you like them to do in your house. Don't hire someone who cannot do the job. 
  4. Payment Oriented. - Don't hire someone who asks for pay before they start working. That's a BIG NO - NO! Service first before payment.